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Great Travel Abroad Contest

How It Works

Contestants earn points for sharing, posting, liking and blogging travel stories, tips and advice.  Points will help you "travel around the world". The more points you accumulate, the greater your chance of winning. You can win study abroad programs, language learning aids, travel gear and electronic gizmos. See the prize list below.

When Will the Contest Start and End

The contest started March 24, 2011 at 2:00pm EST.  Go to Great Travel Abroad Contest to join. Contestants will be able to win prizes throughout the contest and there will be 2 prize drawings The early prize drawing will be held on April 28, 2011 and the Grand Prize drawing will be on May 25, 2011.

What Can You Win? List of All the Prizes

$1000 AmeriSpan Study Abroad Gift Certificate: The Grand prize is an AmeriSpan Study Abroad Gift certificate which may be used toward any program anywhere, just like cash toward any AmeriSpan program.
AmeriSpan Gift Certificates (Value: $10-$200): An unlimited number of gift certificates to all who qualify with values up to a $200, just like cash toward any AmeriSpan program.
Apple iPod Touch (Value $299): Apple's newest iPod Touch model (4th generation) with 32 GB with two cameras that shoots HD video. This iPod touch has an all-new design that makes it the thinnest, lightest, most amazing iPod touch ever. Now a mere 7.2 millimeters thin. You're instantly blown away by the brilliant Retina display.
3G Wireless Kindles (Value $189): Amazon.com's #1 bestseller with the most 5-star reviews of any product on Amazon. Free 3G + Wi-Fi, 3G Works Globally, Graphite, 6" Display with New E Ink Pearl Technology.
Flip UltraHD Video Camera (Value $199): Newest model (3rd Generations). The Flip UltraHD video camera combines Flip Video's signature shoot-and-share simplicity with the power of incredible HD video. UltraHD could not be easier to use: just power on, press record, and you'll be capturing best-ever HD video. Includes 8 GB of built-in memory.
Airfare Gift Certificates (value $100): eXito Travel has contributed gift certificates which can be used like cash toward the purchase of airfare on any airline bound for anywhere.
Free Spanish Tutoring & more (Value: $258): Bilingual America has contributed 3 packages of private professional phone tutoring service, unrivaled in the language training market. In addition, each winner will receive online access to their SpanishGPS and Basic Level course.
Think Language Subscriptions (Value: $149): Think Language has contributed 15 subscriptions to Think Spanish, Think French and their new Think Italian. These are some of our favorite supplements to assist in learning Spanish, French and Italian.
Travel Gear Gift Certificates (value: $50): We'll be awarding Amazon Gift Cards which can be used to buy travel gear, guide books or whatever you want.
SpanishGPS (value $24.95): Verb Pattern Language Map - The SpanishGPS is a one hour and 15 minute Spanish training tool that effectively teaches you to master the power of patterns rather than conjugating individual verbs.
"The 12 Hidden Truths to Learning Spanish" (value $12.95): Have you ever wanted to know what it really takes to learn Spanish? In his groundbreaking book, Ricardo González clearly shows you the way to Spanish learning success.

Email: info@amerispan.com
Business Hours: 8am-2pm EST (Mon-Thu), 7am-1pm EST (Fri)
Worldwide: +(34) 91 591 23 06
Facebook: AmeriSpanStudyAbroad
Twitter: AmeriSpanAbroad
YouTube: AmeriSpan
Google+: AmeriSpanStudyAbroad
Linked In: AmeriSpan-Study-Abroad
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