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AmeriSpan lists all program prices in one currency (US dollars) so our clients can easily compare similar programs in different countries.  For 2009, we have set US dollar prices based on the average Euro exchange rate compared with the US dollar.  Because the Euro/US Dollar exchange rate has had unusually high fluctuations, we have introduced "AmeriSpan's Euro Price Guarantee". This guarantee applies to our programs in the following European locations: Spain, France, Germany and Italy.  If you find a better price for the same program, we'll match it and discount it another $10.

How To Invoke the Euro Price Guarantee

For purposes of invoking the Euro Price Guarantee, the comparative program's price needs to be less than AmeriSpan's published price. When registering for a program in a country that uses the Euro for currency simply include a copy of the other organization's price sheet or a link to their website where the price is in print.  As long as the program is equivalent to AmeriSpan's program (see below) will honor their price and discount it another $10.

How To Calculate

  1. Find AmeriSpan's Price - AmeriSpan's registration fee should not be added for comparative purposes.
  2. Find Comparative Price - If the price is in Euros, then you'll need to convert to a US dollar price.  Go to Oanda.com to find the median $/Euro rate.  Then take the comparative programs price and divide it by the $/euro exchange rate.  Then multiply this price by 1.05.  We add 5% because the median exchange rate is not obtainable and if you try to exchange Dollars for Euros, you'll realize that you will pay a minimum of 3-5% (if you don't believe us, contact your local bank or a local travel office).   
  3. Compare the two prices - if AmeriSpan's price is higher than this price then you may invoke the price guarantee as long as the programs are equivalent (see below).

How To Determine Equivalent Programs

In order to invoke the Spain Price Guarantee, the programs must be comparable.  Here is a list to check to see if they are equivalent:

  • Destination - The comparative program needs to be in the same city.  For example, you can't compare a program in Salamanca with AmeriSpan's program in Barcelona.
  • Amount of Class - The comparative program must have an equal amount (or more) of Spanish instruction time.  There are two factors to determine this: sessions/week and minutes/session.

  • Maximum Students per Class - The comparative program must have the same (or fewer) students in class.  We determine this by the programs stated maximum number of students. 

  • Same Type of Lodging - The comparative program price must be calculated with the same: type of lodging (homestay, dorm or residence/apartment); # of meals/day; and number of people sharing the room (private or shared). 

  • Same Quality of Instruction - AmeriSpan reserves the right to disqualify certain programs where the quality of instruction may be in question.  This is determined by several factors including teachers qualifications, years in business, international recognition and qualifications (i.e. CEELE).

What Happens If The Program Is Not Equivalent?

If for some reason, we deem your comparative program not equivalent with AmeriSpan's program.  We'll inform you and issue you a full refund.


Email: info@amerispan.com
Business Hours: 8am-2pm EST (Mon-Thu), 7am-1pm EST (Fri)
Worldwide: +(34) 91 591 23 06
Facebook: AmeriSpanStudyAbroad
Twitter: AmeriSpanAbroad
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We offer programs in the following countries:
Argentina  Brazil  Canada  Chile  China  Colombia  Costa Rica  Dominican Republic  Ecuador  France  Germany  Greece  Guatemala  India  Italy  Japan  Jordan  Korea  Mexico  Panama  Peru  Poland  Portugal  Puerto Rico  Russia  Spain  Switzerland  Uruguay 

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