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Study Abroad Programs Worldwide: +(34) 91 591 23 06    |   Contact us


Stay in Touch:  Communicating with your family and friends back home.

  • Telestial - Staying in touch while abroad. In most cases the simple combination of a GSM cell phone and International SIM card will offer the best of rates, coverage, and reliability.

    - Taking your Phone Abroad? - Read our blog and learn more about SIM cards and how they work.

  • E-kit - Save up to 70% on international calls. Make calls from 151 countries to anywhere in the world Recharge anywhere, anytime - over the phone or web. Family and friends can leave you messages for free no matter where you are.

  • Pingo - Very useful for those who stay at home while you travel. PIN-less Dialing with PINpass. Local access in the U.S., toll-free access in 35 countries and Auto-Recharge Option for Extra Convenience.

  • Email: info@amerispan.com
    Business Hours: 8am-2pm EST (Mon-Thu), 7am-1pm EST (Fri)
    Worldwide: +(34) 91 591 23 06
    Facebook: AmeriSpanStudyAbroad
    Twitter: AmeriSpanAbroad
    YouTube: AmeriSpan
    Google+: AmeriSpanStudyAbroad
    Linked In: AmeriSpan-Study-Abroad
    We offer programs in the following countries:
    Argentina  Brazil  Canada  Chile  China  Colombia  Costa Rica  Dominican Republic  Ecuador  France  Germany  Greece  Guatemala  India  Italy  Japan  Jordan  Korea  Mexico  Panama  Peru  Poland  Portugal  Puerto Rico  Russia  Spain  Switzerland  Uruguay 

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