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Best Programs for Professionals

AmeriSpan recognizes the fact that professionals who need the Spanish or Portuguese for their job would prefer a more professional setting where they can have a program tailored to meet their needs.  As such AmeriSpan has programs that are especially geared towards professionals who need to lean a lot of  Spanish  in a short amount of time.  These programs are known as the Executive Intensive Programs.  Some of the schools that offer Executive Intensive are listed below.  We have also listed a few schools which do not offer Executive Intensive, but have a very strong language program and can meet the needs of Professionals.

We have evaluated all of our partner programs as to their attractiveness for professionals. In each case the language program, homestays, school setting and location were given a grade of A, B, C or D. The chart below lists the 6 best AmeriSpan programs for Professionals.

Buenos Aires #2 (Argentina)

Lots of experience with professionals and offers special 8 hours/day Executive Intensive Program.
Overall Rating... A-
- Language Program... A-
- School Atmosphere... B
- Site Location... A
- Comments: Seasons are opposite of seasons in North America

Santiago (Chile)

Lots of experience with professionals and offers special 8 hours/day Executive Intensive Program.
Overall Rating... A
- Language Program... A
- School Atmosphere... B+
- Site Location... A+
- Comments: Seasons are opposite of seasons in North America

San José (Costa Rica)

Offering a serious study environment, the Group-4 Plus (4 hours/day group instruction and two hours/day private instruction) is highly recommended. Also offers a 8 hours/day Executive Intensive Program and the Latin American Business Course for cultural training.
Overall Rating... A
- Language Program... A
- School Atmosphere... A
- Site Location... A
- Comments: Rainy season is May-October

Morelia (México)

A great program employing a team of well-trained and innovative teachers. Note that Morelia is a university town not a business-oriented town.  Private classes are offered as well as classes in small groups.
Overall Rating... A-
- Language Program... A
- School Atmosphere... A-
- Site Location...B+
- Comments: Teachers are highly educated in many other subjects besides Spanish, but also, due to the private classes, students have substantial influence over what is covered in class.

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Lots of experience with professionals and offers special 8 hours/day Executive Intensive Program.  
Overall Rating... A-
- Language Program... A-
- School Atmosphere... B+
- Site Location... A
- Comments: This program is for Portuguese

Denver (USA)

Lots of experience with professionals and offers special 8 hours/day Executive Intensive Program.  
Overall Rating... B+
- Language Program... A
- School Atmosphere... B
- Site Location... B+
- Comments: Great location for professionals who prefer to study in the US as opposed to overseas. 

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We offer programs in the following countries:
Argentina  Brazil  Canada  Chile  China  Colombia  Costa Rica  Dominican Republic  Ecuador  France  Germany  Greece  Guatemala  India  Italy  Japan  Jordan  Korea  Mexico  Panama  Peru  Poland  Portugal  Puerto Rico  Russia  Spain  Switzerland  Uruguay 

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