AmeriSpan Study Abroad News & Updates

Labor Day weekend is upon us and summer is over.  With that, we have some advice for thinking about going abroad next year... GO NOW!

We're already accepting applications for 2011, but there's still time to book a program for 2010! The fall and winter are good times to go because fewer students in the schools means more personalized attention for you. Secondly, fewer tourists in town also mean a better immersion experience. Moreover, the weather is actually better in many of AmeriSpan locations during our fall and winter. For example, most of Central America is almost through their rainy season, while some places like Argentina and Chile are about to enjoy their spring and summer!  Can't go now? Then book now and take advantage of many special offers while locking in 2010 prices for travel in 2011.

At some point, you signed up to receive our newsletter.  Please add to your whitelist. If you changed your mind, you may modify or unsubscribe here:  (Please don't report us as spam - Thanks!).

To see this and archived past online and printed newsletters go here:

Off the Press
* 2011 Programs at 2010 Prices - Register and pay by October 1st for any program in 2011 and you pay 2010 prices
* Specials Galore - $49/week off Spain, $200 off Argentina, 25% off Dominican Republic, 15% off Germany & much more

Top 15: Best Golden Age Programs
What do they say? "50 is the new 40!" We would like to introduce you to 15 programs ideally suited for the more mature participant. Register for any programs on that list and you can take 10% + $15 off the program fees.

Go to: Best Golden Age Programs

New Features: Meet The School & Participant Insight
During the past few years, we have continuously worked to provide more information and insight to help with your decision making process.  We have added thousands of past participant comments, 100+ videos, guest bloggers, free e-reports/books, Facebook pages, an active blog and more.  Two of our most recent innovations are "Meet the School" and "Participant Insight".  These new features offer you the insight into the partner organization, as well as more in-depth past participants' comments. These additional insights, coupled with our staff's opinion and expertise give you a well-rounded overview so that you are able to easily determine which AmeriSpan program is right for you.

Meet the School - AmeriSpan has been participating, visiting, and evaluating language schools and volunteer organizations for nearly 20 years. In addition, we have sent more than 30,000 participants abroad. When evaluating schools, we look at many factors such as the teaching methodology, program make-up, facilities, teacher experience/education, lodging options and much more. However, in our experience the one thing we have learned that makes a school special is the people involved.   With this in mind we have begun a new feature for our blog "Meet the School" where we will interview and write about the staff at our partner schools, volunteer projects, etc.  

Participant Insight - This ties together all the blogs from one or more guest blogger and/or past participants own blogs related to one program.  It is kind of like a table of contents of participants blogs so that you can learn about their experiences... the good, the bad and the funny. We are confident that the Participant Insight feature will allow you to better understand what to expect when choosing a program and destination.

You can find the latest "Meet the School" and "Participant Insight" features on our Travel Resources page under AmeriSpan Staff Commentary or Articles/Travelogues, respectively.

Price: Another AmeriSpan Advantage
If you have received these newsletters before or spent time on our website, blog or facebook pages, you are probably aware of the many advantages of working with AmeriSpan. These advantages include the best guarantees in study abroad, reasonable fees and a team of friendly study abroad consultants that are both experienced travelers and knowledgeable about our many programs.  However, in the current worldwide economic environment where so many schools and organizations are offering specials and discounts, you may not realize one of AmeriSpan's biggest advantages, PRICE.

Not only are our published fees lower than most other organizations but many of our specials are ONLY for AmeriSpan participants.  We have worked closely with our partners to create these "AmeriSpan Only Specials" which include our current specials in Spain, Germany, Ecuador, Guatemala, Jordan, and Panama.

Two of the most enticing offers are $200 off  Argentina programs and $25% off programs in Dominican Republic. These are huge incentives for two of our most popular destinations.  These programs boast great weather, top-notch academics, a wide variety of programs, and a great value BEFORE factoring in the special offers. Obviously, now is a great time to book a program to Argentina or the Dominican Republic.

Not interested in either place? Make sure you check out all our specials. We have many offers including new ones from the Jordan, Ecuador, Guatemala, Germany and Panama.
Go to: Specials

Meet the School: Argentina Schools
Our first "Meet the School" is with the founder and the #2 at our Argentina partner schools.  Go to: Meet the School: Argentina Schools

Participant Insight: Volunteering in Bolivia

This past summer we had a participant who created her own blog about her experience studying Spanish and volunteering in Bolivia.  This is a must read for anyone thinking about studying or volunteering in Latin America.

Participant Insight: Spanish & Volunteering in Bolivia
See Guest Bloggers
Don't forget to see: Past Participant feedback 

AmeriSpan is Giving Away Money!
We have scholarships for just about any current undergraduate or graduate student ranging from $150-$750. Find out if we'll grant you a scholarship even before you apply to one of our programs. Apply using our online scholarship application.

Go to: Scholarships

Spanish Program for First Responders & Social Need Providers - Gratis!
If you are in the medical, law enforcement, school teaching, social work or ministerial fields you can get Bilingual America's Basic to Expert Level Spanish Power course at no charge through The Claro Initiative at Spanish Power is considered the most comprehensive and results-driven Spanish training program in the country by many people and we encourage you to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. Your cost? ZERO!

Go to: Claro Initiative
Don't Qualify: Trial Offer

The Best Spanish Supplement!
Think Spanish Online Magazine is the perfect supplement to your Spanish studies. Keep your Spanish fluency strong at home with a membership to Think Spanish Online and continue to learn the language and connect with the culture. As a special offer ONLY for AmeriSpan customers, Think Spanish is offering $70 OFF the regular price.

Go to: Get Think Spanish

Facebook Fan Extra
Join more than 2,200 other people who are Fans of AmeriSpan's Facebook page and take an extra $25 off any program ($75 on Spain) on top of any other promotions or scholarships. Just go to our page and select 'Like' this page.

Facebook: AmeriSpanStudyAbroad

Spanish Assessment Test - Gratis!
Take a Spanish aptitude assessment exam at no charge.  Get a learning aptitude assessment and see all the other helpful advice and aids Bilingual America is giving away.

Go to: Spanish Aptitude Test & Giveaways

AmeriSpan Study Abroad
Tel: 1 800-511-0179 (USA & Canada) or (215) 531-7917 (Worldwide)
SKYPE: amerispan (you skype directly to our main switchboard when we are offline!)